Equipment/Contractor Selection

  • Provide insight to required fire protection

  • Vetting of licensed professional contractors

  • Estimate review and project management of installations, inspections and repairs

  • Referrals available to numerous professional contractors of all applicable trades

Residential Compliance

  • Layout of smoke detector, carbon monoxide and fire extinguishers per NJ State requirements( Furnishing and installation at request)

  • Hazard analysis of multi-unit dwellings for fire code and NJ DCA dwelling compliance

  • Property research for outstanding fees, open violations

Business Safety

  • Inspections of commercial buildings for potential code violations and status of existing fire protection systems

  • Pre-inspection walk through for hazard identification and code violations

  • Serve as owner representative with code officials during inspections

  • Employee safety training available at request(CPR/AED, Fire Extinguisher, Evacuation/Fire Drill, and more)

  • Development and review of Emergency Action Plans

Fire Code Analysis

  • Discuss and review applicable codes for your industry or prospective line of work

  • Review and correct any issued Notice of Violation from your local code authority

  • Appeals board filing and appearances as needed

Mobile Food Truck

  • Thorough understanding of guidelines and requirements, including individual municipality requirements

  • Insight into permit requirements

  • Provide detailed assessment of required protections and placement